Saturday, November 27, 2010

New songs are being prepared, and comments are encouraged here

I’m enjoying working on more songs now after taking a break. I try to avoid straying too far from literal translations unless that seems necessary to do a good job conveying the meaning. It’s a challenge to make things as clear as possible, while putting it in readable chunks that are timed well to the song--but it’s often easy to improve on anything that's already available. Everyone here is encouraged to make comments and suggest changes or corrections (even if you’re just learning English or another language). I continue to edit, correct, and improve all the captions, so please share any thoughts you have. I’ll also be using some higher definition sources now that may take longer to load; let me know if you have any difficulties, or prefer higher-quality or faster-loading.


  1. Sir, you have done a great job. but why have you stopped....there are so many great songs in episode of coke studio 3 which require your attention.

    please please translate them.

  2. This is because every project is different and requires a whole new mind-set each and every time. Sure you will begin to work faster and improve your workflow but every record is a new learning experience.
